Mindfulness and Relaxation Practices



Principle: At its core, mindfulness is about observing each moment without judgment, cultivating a non-judgmental awareness of our experiences. This practice encourages us to fully engage with the present, acknowledging thoughts, feelings, and sensations without labeling them as good or bad. By embracing a mindset of curiosity and acceptance, we learn to appreciate each moment as it is.

Benefits:Practicing mindfulness offers a multitude of benefits, enhancing our meditative capabilities and leading to greater mental clarity and emotional balance. Regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress, improve focus, and foster a sense of inner peace. It helps us develop resilience, allowing us to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and equanimity. Moreover, mindfulness can enhance our relationships, as it encourages deeper empathy and understanding.

Methodology: At Eclipse, our approach to mindfulness is both accessible and transformative. Our guided practices are designed to teach students how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Through a combination of meditation, breathing exercises, and mindful movement, we help individuals develop a heightened awareness and deeper insight into their own experiences. Our instructors provide personalized guidance, ensuring that each participant can explore mindfulness at their own pace and comfort level.

Our Mindfulness Classes offer a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals to explore their potential and master the art of being fully present. Whether you are new to mindfulness or looking to deepen your practice, our classes are designed to meet you where you are. We believe that mindfulness is a journey of self-discovery and growth, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Join us at Eclipse and discover the profound benefits of mindfulness. Embrace each moment with awareness and insight, and unlock the potential for a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life. Experience the transformative power of mindfulness at Eclipse, where the journey to inner harmony begins.

Body Awareness Practice

Principle: The Body Awareness Practice embodies the essence of mindfulness, guiding practitioners to return to the present moment. It involves tuning into the body's sensations, intensifying sensory perception, and deepening the connection with oneself.

Benefits: Engaging in Body Awareness cultivates a profound understanding of the body and mind relationship. Body Awareness Practice is the perfect gateway for practitioners who wish to enter a higher understanding of their body beyond the physical level. Practitioners can harness this practice to enhance physical well-being and mental clarity, regardless of age or current state. Body Awareness Classes are perfect for students who are just starting their exploration in the world of Meditation as well as advanced practitioners.

Methodology: Through structured guidance, participants at Eclipse’s Body Awareness Practice surrender to a deep exploration of their body sensations, energies, and subtle aspects going beyond the physical. They learn to observe their experiences without judgment, fostering a compassionate awareness of the present moment.

At Eclipse: Our Body Awareness Classes offer a supportive space for practitioners to explore the depths of mindfulness which is a stepping stone to entering a meditative state. Here, seekers can discover their potential and develop the art of being fully present in each moment.


Principle: Yoga Nidra, an ancient guided relaxation practice, induces deep bodily relaxation while keeping the mind conscious and alert.

Benefits: The practice offers a range of benefits including calming the mind, relieving stress, alleviating pain, and facilitating the release of emotions, making it a powerful tool for healing and self-awareness.

Methodology: Practiced in savasana posture, Yoga Nidra guides individuals to the borderlines of sleep while maintaining consciousness, allowing for a profound exploration of emotions and sensations in a safe and supportive environment.

At Eclipse: Yoga Nidra is an integral part of Eclipse's insight offerings, providing participants with the opportunity to experience self-induced calmness and serenity.