Mandala Vinyasa

Mandala Vinyasa is a unique and transformative yoga practice that works 360° around the mat, integrating the four elements—Air, Fire, Water, and Earth—using the Ancient Mayan Calendar. Each session focuses on a particular area of the body and the corresponding chakra, creating a holistic approach to physical and energetic balance. 

  1. Air: This element focuses on backbends, opening up the shoulders and quads. On an energetic level, it activates the Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra), which is associated with our social identity and self-love. This practice helps to find space in our hearts, promoting compassion and emotional openness.
  2. Fire: This element involves spinal twists, working the glutei and IT band. Energetically, it activates the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), linked to our willpower and ego identity. This practice enhances our inner strength and determination.
  3. Water: This element targets the hips and groin, focusing on fluidity and movement. It activates the Svadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra), our source of creativity and connection, relating to our reproductive system. This practice encourages emotional release and enhances our ability to connect with others.
  4. Earth: This element emphasizes hamstring stretches and grounding postures. It activates the Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra), which connects us to stability and grounding. This practice fosters a sense of security and rootedness.

Each Mandala Vinyasa session begins and ends with a short Yin practice, preparing and closing the targeted area of the body while balancing opposite elements. According to the Mayan Calendar, each day is associated with a specific element, allowing practitioners to tailor their practice based on the element and specific sequences for that day.

Mandala Vinyasa is suited to all levels of practitioners, offering a balanced and comprehensive approach to yoga. Join us to experience a harmonious blend of physical movement and energetic alignment, and discover a deeper connection to your body and spirit